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Changes from original copy or instructions, which are chargeable to the customer; also called Author's Alterations.
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A short summary of a book or article.
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Allows users to not only view navigate and print PDF files, but it is the gateway to adding value to PDF files. Hyperlinking, adding bookmarks thumbnails, editing text and page management are among the capabilities.
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Acrobat Capture
Part of the Acrobat family, but not included with the Acrobat Suite. As a separate purchase, it is a full fledged OCR application program.
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Acrobat Distiller
Used to convert a PostScript stream of code into a PDF file. Distilling is the best option when converting complex figures and shapes. Distiller also offers access to compression schemes and font embedding options. The resulting PDF file is a compact, highly-structured document ready to be viewed with Acrobat Reader or Exchange.
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Acrobat Reader
This free application allows users to view print and navigate through PDF files. This program can be downloaded at Adobe web site.
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Additive Color
When the three primary colors of the color space (Red, Green, Blue) are used at full intensity the result to the human eye is white.
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Additive Primary Colors
Red, green and blue light are referred as the Additive Primary Colors. When used in various degrees of intensity and variation, they create all other colors of light; when superimposed equally, they create white. Additive colors are transmitted light used in video monitors and televisions.
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Adhesive Binding
See: Perfect Binding.
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Adobe Type fonts
A collection of fonts manufactured by Adobe. Many consider these the industry standard.
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Advance Copies
(1) Finished books sent to a customer, usually by air, prior to bulk shipment of the balance of the order.
(2) Copies of a new book sent to reviewers before the publication date; also called Review Copies.
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Text measuring five and one half points, usually used in newspaper advertising. Fourteen Agate lines equal one inch
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Excess space in line or photographic art or in text matter.
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(1) Positioning of the letters of a line of type into exact juxtaposition with each other and with the accompanying lines.
(2) The positioning of printed pages when they register with adjacent pages, and their reverse sides.
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In composition, any change made in the copy after it has been typeset.
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AM Screening
A halftone screening method that maintains exact distances between dot centers and varies the dot size to simulate levels of gray
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A mathematical technique of using existing pixel data in an image to extrapolate image information to smooth hard image edges
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Anti-offset Spray
See: Spray Powder.
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Assembly Sheet
An instruction sheet for a job, which shows the correct page sequence, identification of all unnumbered pages, positioning instructions, strip-in instructions, special camera instructions, etc.
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ATM (Adobe Type Manager)
A software that performs the process of scaling type 1 fonts to the requested size.
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Author's Alterations
See: AA's.