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Hairline Register
Register within ± 1/2
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Hairline Rule
A specified rule that will image at the finest resolution of an output device
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In photography, a blurred effect, resembling a halo, usually occurring in highlight areas or around bright objects; caused by reflection of rays of light from the back of negative material.
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Half Title Page
A printed page containing only the book or section title; sometimes called Bastard Title.
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The reproduction of continuous-tone artwork, such as a photograph, through a Crossline or Contact Screen, which converts the image into dots of various sizes.
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Halftone Cell
A matrix of imagesetter spots that can be drawn to simulate halftone dots of different percentages.
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Halftone Dots
The individual subdivisions of a printed surface created with a halftone screen.
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Halftone Negative
The negative film produced when continuous tone copy is shot through a halftone screen.
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Halftone Screen
An engraved glass through which continuous tone copy is photographed and converted to a series of dots for halftone printing; also called Glass Screen. See also: Crossline Screen.
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Halo Effect
Occurs when ink accumulates at the edges of printed letters and halftone dots, making the centers appear lighter.
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Hand Tip
To attach a leaf, foldout, etc. to a signature or bound book by hand operations of gluing and placement of the item.
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To stamp on an envelope, package, etc. using a rubber stamp, such things as a return address or mailing information required by postal regulations.
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Any operation which can only be accomplished by hand. This includes hand operations in Composition, Plate Prep or Bindery.
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Hanging Indent
The first line of a paragraph of text that extends the full line with
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Hanging Indention
In composition, copy set with the first line flush and all others indented, such as this glossary.
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Hanging Punctuation
A style of punctuation where all punctuation at line endings hang over the edge of the text block.
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Hard Copy
(1) The permanent visual record of the output of a computer or printer.
(2) The material sent to a typesetter in typed format for conversion into typeset material.
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Hard Dot
A halftone dot characterized by a sharp, clean cut edge, with little or no fringe.
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Hard Edge
An undesirable characteristic of a halftone, where the outer edge prints as a more or less dark line, rather than fading away.
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See: Casebound.
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A printout, either low-res or high-res, accurately representing the electronic file. (A printer cannot be held liable for quality of high-resolution output if hardcopy is not provided with the disks.)
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Hardcover Binding
See: Casebinding.
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(1) The top of a page or form.
(2) A heading in text composition.
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Head Margin
The white space above the first line on a page; also called Top Margin.
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Head Margin
The measured distance between the top of the printed sheet and the first line of copy
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Head Trim
The amount allowed for the top trim, usually 1/8
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A small decorative strip of silk or cotton used at the top and bottom of a casebound book, to fill the gap normally formed between the spine of the book and the cover.
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Headlines presenting a digest of the matter to follow. They appear at the top of a page, article, column.
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In printing, a blemish in the impression caused by dirt, hardened specks of ink, or any dry hard particle working into the ink or onto the plate or offset blanket. It is generally characterized by a solid center area surrounded by a white halo.
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HiFi color
A color printing module based on a six or seven color process to increase the reproducible gamut
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High Bulk Paper
A paper specifically manufactured to retain a thickness not found in other papers of the same basis weight.
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High Contrast
In photography, a reproduction in which the difference in darkness (density) between adjoining areas is greater than in the original.
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High Key Picture
A continuous tone photo made up of predominantly highlight (white) areas.
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The lightest or whitest parts in a photograph, represented in a halftone reproduction by the smallest dots or the absence of all dots.
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Highlight Dots
Areas of image in a halftone reproduction under 1 percent
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Highlight Halftone
A halftone reproduction in which the highlights are devoid of dots, for accentuation of contrast; also called Dropout Halftone.
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See: Joint.
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An impression from a stamping die.
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A property of coated paper with low ink absorption, which allows ink to set on the surface with high gloss. Papers with too much holdout cause problems with set-off.
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To erase an image on a plate using an abrasive; also called Etch Out or Polish Out.
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Hot Melt
A glue used in bookbinding which is applied hot and sets almost instantly when applied to a cool surface.
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House Cloth
Material for casemaking stocked at the bindery, available in a limited number of colors.
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House Sheet
Paper stocked at the printer.
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Abbreviation for hue, saturation, and value - a color model used in some graphics programs. HSV must be translated to another model for color printing or for forming screen colors.
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Hypertest Markup Language. An instance of an SGML DTD for the creation and interlinking of hypertext information on the Internet.
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(1) In color, the main attribute of a color which distinguishes it from other colors.
(2) The wavelength of light of a color in its purest state (without the addition of white or black).
(3) A visual attribute of color determined by the strongest wavelengths of light either reflected or transmitted.
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Text in which related topics are directly linked. In electronic hypertexts, markup permits links to be followed automatically by a hypetext browsing application.
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Determining where a word should break at the end of a line. In computerized typesetting, there are programs to make these decisions.
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