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Acronym for International Color Consortium; a group of hardware and software companies that is developing the means to effectively communicate color information
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A computer image or picture that is used to represent a file
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Includes drop folio. When used after the printer surface height, it is used for placing base of drop folio on bottom PS line. Used for layout of chapter openers and other drop folioed pages to give same bottom space to trim.
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The drawings, photographs, etc., used to supplement the text of printed matter.
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A graphics software program manufactured by Adobe.
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(1) A picture formed by light, such as is projected from an illuminated piece of art by means of a lens.
(2) The impression left by the projected light image on a photosensitive emulsion. When this impression is invisible, it is called a Latent Image. Subsequent chemical development is then used to make the latent image visible.
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Image Area
The area inside the margins of a page. See also: Print Block.
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Image Assembly
See: Stripping.
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A device used to output a computer image or composition at medium or high resolution onto photographic film or paper.
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Imitation Gold
A metallic composition leaf frequently used as a substitute for genuine gold leaf in stamping book cases; also called Artificial Gold.
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Impact Printer
A computer printer that uses arrays of needles (dot-matrix printer) to print the image; makes direct contact with the printing ribbon.
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The plan for the assembly of pages in a press form so that they will be in the correct sequence after the printed sheet is folded; also called Press Layout.
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Imposition Form
See: Layout Sheet.
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Imposition Software
Software used to manipulate pages created in page layout programs into proper sequence and position for signatures.
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(1) In printing, the pressure of type, plate or blanket as it comes in contact with the paper.
(2) An image of any kind imposed on a surface.
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(1) The identifying name of a publishing company carried on a published book.
(2) To print on a previously printed piece by running it through a press again.
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To begin a line with a given amount of white space, such as paragraph indentation.
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A list at the end of a book, showing individual terms from the text contents, in alphabetical order, and listing the pages on which each entry appears.
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Mailing permit information required by the Post Office; replaces a stamp.
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Inferior Character
A letter, numeral, or symbol written below the baseline and to the right of another character, usually in a smaller type; also called Inferior Figure or Subscript.
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Initial Letter
A large capital or decorated letter used to begin a chapter section or sometimes a paragraph.
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In-Line Covering
Covers applied on gathered and glued signatures in one continuous process. See also: Perfect Binding.
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(1) In stripping, a section of film carrying printing detail that is spliced into a larger piece of film; also called Strip-in or Set-in.
(2) In printing, a page, etc., that is printed separately and then placed into or bound with the main publication.
(3) In typesetting, copy to be added.
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Inside Delivery
Delivery made inside a door or garage, on the ground level. It will not include breaking of skid bands and unloading cartons. There is an additional charge for Inside Delivery, and a charge for each additional floor above the ground floor.
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Inside Margin
See: Gutter Margin.
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To examine the book during various stages of production or after completion.
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Insured Mail
Third and Fourth Class mail can be insured for protection against loss or damage. The minimum fee insures for a maximum of $15. Numbered insured mail provides for a receipt to the mailer at the time of the mailing, the mail is identified by number and a signature is required on delivery. The fee varies with the insured value. The maximum value is $200. A return receipt can be requested; an additional fee is charged for this.
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The extreme strength, degree or amount of ink.
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See: Slipsheeting.
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Inter-Line Carrier
A shipping term for a carrier participating in a through movement, other than either the originating or delivering carrier.
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Intermediate Negatives
Negatives right reading, emulsion up, that cannot be used to make plates. Intermediate negatives must be contacted emulsion to emulsion to make final negatives. See also: Composite Negative and Flop Negative.
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Interstate Traffic
Traffic moving between points in two or more states.
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Between two points in one state.
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Inverted Page
An upside down page.
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ISBN Number
The International Standard Book Number assigned by the publisher, under a system administered by the R. R. Bowker Co. It uniquely identifies the particular book. This number should appear on the copyright page, and usually on Cover 4.
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ISSN Number
Similar to ISBN Number, but issued for journals only.
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The style of letters that slope forward in distinction from upright or roman letters; used for words requiring emphasis.
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