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The abbreviation for a quantity of 1000.
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M Weight
The weight of 1000 sheets of paper, cut into its Basis Size.
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Machine Coated
Paper which is coated on one or two sides on the paper-making machine.
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Machine Direction
In papermaking, the formation of paper parallel to its forward movement on the paper machine; also called Grain Direction.
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Machine Finish (mf)
Paper which has been given its smooth finish while on the papermaking machine, rather than as a separate manufacturing operation.
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Machine Tip
Attaching an insert, endsheet, four page signature, or other material to the outside of a signature, using a tipping machine; also called Tip-On.
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Process red; a purplish red; one of the four process colors.
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A computer medium using a combination of technologies to create a disk with storage capacities of 128 mb, 650 mb & 1000 mb.
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A corrugated cardboard carton, frequently tailor made, to contain one volume, a set, etc. This is usually the protective container in which the material is mailed; also called Mailing Carton.
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Main Exposure
The camera exposure made through the halftone screen to reproduce in the negative all areas of a photograph except the deeper shadows.
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(1) On an offset press, all work done prior to running, such as adjusting of the feeder, side guide, putting a plate on press and ink in the fountain to be ready to run.
(2) Any machine adjustments made for size, bulk, etc., prior to performing the required operation.
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In composition, the arrangement of lines of type and illustrations into page form.
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Making Order (Paper)
The mill minimum order for making a non-standard size paper or cover stock, or a stock with non-standard specifications.
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A statement listing the particulars of all shipments loaded in a car, ship, truck, etc.
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Manuscript (mss)
A written or typewritten work, which the typesetter follows as a guide in setting copy.
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The white space between the edge of a sheet of paper and the text and graphics on that paper.
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Marginal Heads
Headings in the marginal area of a page, outside the text page area.
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Marginal Notes
Material in the marginal area of a page, outside the text page area; sometimes handwritten.
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Mark Up
(1) The process of preparing a manuscript for setting, with standard markings for the typesetter.
(2) The operation of converting typesetting specifications to computerized typesetting instruction codes and the process of indicating these codes on the manuscript as items to be included during the keyboarding.
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(1) In color separation photography, an intermediate photographic negative or positive used in color correction.
(2) In offset lithography, opaque material used to protect open or selected areas of printing plates during exposure.
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Masking Paper
See: Goldenrod, Golden-plast.
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A technique used in graphics programs that makes use of an opaque image to block out an area of an illustration.
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Match Print Proof
Four-color proof before printing to show layout/color of cover, dust jacket, cloth cover, etc.
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Matte Finish
Dull paper finish without gloss or luster.
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Matte Print
A photographic print having a dull finish.
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In composition, the length of a full line of a page or column, usually expressed in picas; also known as Line Length.
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Camera-ready copy (usually for a cover or dust jacket) showing exact placement of every element, and carrying actual or simulated type and artwork.
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Mechanical Binding
Individual leaves fastened by means of an independent binding device such as Plastic Comb, Wire-O or Spiral.
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Mechanical Ghosting
Undesirable images that appear on the printed piece as a result of onpress conditions, such as ink starvation, form layout or a faulty blanket.
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Mechanical Pulp
Groundwood pulp produced by mechanically grinding logs or chips, including bark, as opposed to breaking them down chemically. See also: Groundwood Paper.
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Mechanical Separations
Copy which utilizes overlays to indicate the position and register of each color to be printed.
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Any type of transport device used to move electronic files from one computer to another, including floppy disks, removable drives, CD's, magnetic tapes, Zip disks, Jaz disks, etc.
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An electronic unit of measure equal to 1,024 kilobytes (or 1,024 k). Megabytes are abbreviated as mb.
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Metallic Inks
Inks which contain metallic powders mixed with the ink base; powders are flakes which deposit in reflective layers.
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Meter Postage
Prepaid postage printed by a meter on adhesive strips which are then affixed to a package by hand.
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Meter Stamp
A metered mail imprint of prepaid postage which serves as postage payment, a postmark and cancellation mark; may be used for all classes of mail and for any amount of postage.
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A patterned screen used to create the effect of a true mezzotint, which is a copper or steel engraving that creates the effects of light and shadow.
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Film rolls, 16mm or 35mm wide, negative or positive, enlarged for projection.
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A calibrated instrument for determining the thickness of paper or the packing of the plate and blanket.
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Mid Tone
Referencing a halftone screen dot at 5% coverage
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Middle Tone
The tonal range between highlights and shadows of a halftone or reproduction.
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0.001 inch; the unit of measure of plastic film. See also: Caliper.
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Minimum Charge
The lowest charge that can be assessed to transport a shipment.
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An easily remembered or identifiable abbreviation for an instruction, routine, or format.
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Model Paper
A special size paper on which copy is typed to be photographed. It is marked off in spacings equivalent to typewriter spacings. The type area has been marked according to the size of the finished book, finished type size and the camera setting.
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Contraction of modulator + demodulator. A device that converts a digital signal to an analog signal and vice-versa. A modem is used to communicate signals from a telephone line to a computer.
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Modern Number
Number set found in standard fonts
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Undesirable patterns occurring when reproductions are made from halftones; caused by conflict between the ruling of the halftone screen and the dots or lines of the original, usually due to incorrect screen angles.
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Composed of tints and shades of a single color.
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Printed with a single color, black or any color.
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A combination of related pictures, parts of pictures and/or pieces of copy appearing as one. See also: Collage.
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Mortice copy
An open space cut out of the background, so type can be printed in the space; also called Blurb or White Inset.
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A term referring to affixing camera-ready copy pages to a carrier sheet which provides registration to the Opti-Copy camera.
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Multiple Master
A font that uses a series of axis (such as width and thickness) to give parameters for characters. These axis are then used to create the characters.
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A polyester film, made by Du Pont, specially suited for stripping because of its mechanical strength and dimensional stability.
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