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A defect of binder boards where the edges of the sheet have expanded more than the center, producing wavy edges or a curl around an axis diagonal to the length of the sheet.
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Warrens Print
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Wash Drawing
A brushwork drawing which contains gray tones as well as black and white.
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Waste Allowance
The printer's normal allowance of additional paper or other materials for makereadies and other uses, so the final count of completed books will be at or close to the ordered quantity.
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In papermaking, a name or design impressed on paper by the raised pattern of the dandy roll during manufacture. This mark faintly shows when the paper is held to light.
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Waterproof Paper
Paper which is coated then top-surfaced with casein or gum to make it waterproof.
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the total distance between two concurrent points on a given phase of a two waves of sound or light
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Wavy Edges
A warping effect in paper which is the result of the edges of the sheet having picked up moisture under conditions of high humidity, then expanded. Can produce wrinkles from the center of the sheet to the back edges. The image gets progressively wider toward the tail of the sheet.
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A device used to place a thin coating of melted wax adhesive on the back of original copy for pasteup or on film for set-ins on a base page negative.
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A transportation line record issued for each shipment, showing all details, with copies sent to all interested parties.
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A continuous roll of paper; used in web printing.
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Web Press
A press which prints from continuous webs (rolls) of paper; prints on both sides in one continuous web; incorporates an in-line folder, so press delivers folded signatures.
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Weight (of paper)
See: Basis Weight.
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Weight Tolerance
The acceptable degree of variation in paper's shipped weight; usually within 5% of the paper's nominal weight.
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Wet Printing
Any process of printing where wet ink is printed on top of wet ink.
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White Inset
See: Blurb.
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White Space
The area on a printed sheet that is not covered with ink
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Wide Hinge
5/16" cut off of the bind side edge of the case board before cases made to give a wider backspace area for disk. Supplement, etc., to fit in after book is bound.
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A short single line at the top of a page or column, usually the last line of a paragraph; to be avoided in good typesetting. Also, a single word or syllable standing alone as the last line of a paragraph.
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A search term that ends with a "?" or some other symbol. The characters preceding the symbol are often a stem or truncation that can have multiple endings. All terms beginning with that stem will be found in the same search.
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An open or clear area which permits light to pass through; usually large areas on a negative or a hand-cut opening on a masking sheet to expose the image.
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Window Patch
The Composition operation of stripping (or cutting in) corrections into the original typeset copy.
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Wire Side
In papermaking, the side of a sheet next to the wire in manufacturing; opposite from Felt Side. It contains less size and filler and fewer short fibers so it has a more pronounced grain than the Felt Side.
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A continuous double series of wire loops run through punched slots along the binding side of a book.
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With the Grain
Parallel to the direction in which the majority of the paper fibers lie.
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The placing of additional space between each word; sometimes used to fill out lines for justification.
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Wove Paper
Paper that shows no pattern of the sort that distinguishes Laid Paper.
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(1) To place jackets on finished books.
(2) A folded section, such as four pages, into which another folded section is hand inserted; the outside section wraps around the inside section.
(3) To package in kraft paper or plastic film (for shrink wrapping).
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Wrap Curl
Paper curl which occurs when paper is sheeted too close to the core of the roll; can also be caused when the mill winds heavy paper too tightly on the cores. Always occurs across the grain and to the side (wire or felt) which was wound on the roll prior to sheeting; may show at intervals in the pile of sheets; should only affect a small amount of paper.
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Wrap Reinforced Endsheet
An oversized endsheet which wraps around the signature; can only be stock matching the text and unprinted (i.e. not colored endsheet stock) since it is visible.
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(1) Creases in paper occurring during printing or folding.
(2) In inks, an uneven surface formed during drying.
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Write-Once Read-Many (WORM)
An optical disk on which the publisher or user can write files directly, without mastering, but which cannot be erased or rewritten.
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Wrong Font (wf)
A proofreader marking which indicates the wrong type face was used to set a character, word, line or block of type.
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An acronym standing for What You See Is What You Get; the goal in a digital based computer graphics system
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