Basic Guide to Making PDF Files

Document and image delivery of PDF files will yield the best results if you follow these simple instructions. We have taken the most generic, and industry standard approaches to presenting this information for you. These pages will outline the tools and procedures you will need to generate and deliver perfect PDF's every time!

  • First you must start out building a quality document. Refer to the Digital Art Guidelines.

  • Second you need to make a PostScript file.

  • Finally you need to convert the PostScript to a PDF using Acrobat Distiller.

In order to make a PDF file, you will need to obtain and install some software. Below are links and instructions to the necessary tools:





PostScript Creation

Adobe PS Print Driver


Adobe PS Print Driver

PDF and Acrobat Setup

Adobe Acrobat


Adobe Acrobat


Job Options Distiller v 4


Job Options Distiller v 4


Job Options Distiller v 5


Job Options Distiller v 5

Like most anything, if you put garbage into a process, you will get garbage out; and a PDF file is the same way. By starting out building your documents improperly, or with poor quality graphics, the resulting PDF will contain all of those bad elements. The best place to start the process is by reviewing and adhering to our Digital Art Guidelines. After you are sure that you have a quality set of files, progress to the next step.

To create a PostScript file, you will need these tools (links are available above):

PPD (DDAP generic PPD)
Print Driver (Latest LaserWriter and PSPrinter)

Before you start to make the PostScript file, you must install the Print Drivers and PPD's into your system.





Installation of the PrintDriver and the PPD

Universal Macintosh Print Driver


Universal Windows Print Driver

Making PostScript is no more than printing to a regular printer, only you will be capturing the print commands to a file. We have been able to document the creation of PostScript on both Macintosh and Windows computers for a variety of programs.





Writing PostScript

Adobe Framemaker


Adobe Framemaker

Adobe InDesign   Adobe InDesign






Now that the PostScript file has been created, it is time to convert it to PDF using acrobat Distiller. It is important to note that you need to use Acrobat Distiller and not Acrobat PDFWriter to make your PDF files as unintended results may result. To complete the task, follow the instructions in the procedures for installing the joboptions file, and for using Distiller





Using Acrobat Distiller v3

Distiller 3 procedure


Distiller 3 procedure




Installation of the joboptions file and making PDF's in Acrobat 4

Distiller 4 procedure


Distiller 4 procedure


Installation of the joboptions file and making PDF's in Acrobat 5

Distiller 5 procedure


Distiller 5 procedure

Once you have setup Distiller, you can go ahead and convert your documents to PDF files.

DDAP Web site (Digital Distribution of Advertising for Publication)


Adobe's PDF PDF guide book

Enfocus Software